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Sustainable Finance

Yapı Kredi, taking into consideration the far reaching influence of the sector, embraces a responsible growth approach in its operations, which will increase the positive impacts on all of its stakeholders and create value for all the segments. Because a great responsibility falls upon the finance sector for devising solutions to global environmental and social issues, Yapı Kredi manages the environmental and social impacts arising from its own operations effectively, along with the projects and investments financed by the Bank.

Yapı Kredi offers products and services to support its customers’ transition to a low carbon economy and understanding sustainable business as part of its sustainable finance activities that constitute one of the pillars of its sustainability strategy. In this context, having proactively utilized the opportunities in the field of sustainable finance and carried out its first green bond issuance, in compliance with the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Green Bond Principles (2018), in early 2020, the Bank diversified the funds it extends to green projects. Yapı Kredi incentivizes its customers for a more sustainable world by offering products and services such as sustainability-related credits, renewable energy, and energy efficiency credits. Nature-Friendly Mortgages and Nature-Friendly Auto Loans are also available to provide financial solutions to their sustainable development problems. Yapı Kredi will significantly expand and diversify its sustainable products and services portfolio in the future.

As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), Yapı Kredi takes part in the local Turkish network of the UNGC. Yapı Kredi observes the activities of the Sustainable Finance, Inclusion and Diversity, Gender Equality, and Environment Working Groups within Global Compact Turkey. In 2017, Yapı Kredi became a founding signatory of Global Compact Turkey’s Declaration on Sustainable Finance that represents a sectoral collaboration within the scope of the activities of the Global Compact Turkey Sustainable Finance Working Group. Yapı Kredi makes contributions to the annual updates of the Declaration.


You can find more information about Sustainability at Yapı Kredi here.

You can find Financial Health and Inclusion Commitment of Yapı Kredi here.

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